Staying Accountable 2023.

The work is never done. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) at Huge is a continuum of work that is centered in humanity and grounded in disrupting bias from the inside out. Huge is excited to launch our first global DE&I Impact Report. We are committed to making Huge Moves together and staying accountable.

Sharing that data, both internally and externally, is just part of our ongoing action plan for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Huge. We will continue to publish this data annually to the public.

That is why we are again sharing our current state diversity data.

“Never Done” is a common refrain for us when it comes to doing the work of an anti-racist company — DE&I is part of our DNA. Over the last three years, our work has included several key areas of focus, including continued internal and external transparency, implementing bias disruption behaviors to evaluate and challenge our processes, education & awareness building, affinity group expansion, and community impact.

As Huge looks to share its 2023 diversity data, we will review the information as a comparison from 2022. The data available shows 614 US full-time employees total in 2022. The data below is based upon the 543 US full-time employees we have total as of January 1, 2023.

1. Overall U.S employee base by gender and ethnicity.

Huge has seen a +1% increase in female identifying representation since 2022. Huge has maintained its race/ethnicity representation since 2022.

2. LGBTQ+ & Non-binary.

Below you will see a breakdown of LGBTQ+ & non-binary reporting. 7% of our total population identified as LGBTQ+ & non-binary, of those who elected to participate.

The graph below reflects the breakdown of only LGBTQ+ & non-binary identified employees and represents any person(s) who participated in our self identification program as of January 1, 2023. This representation includes those who identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual, pansexual, non-binary, gender queer, gender fluid, gender non-conforming, with a gender identity not listed, or with a sexual orientation not listed other than heterosexual.

Huge has increased in bisexual representation by +27% of those who elected to participate in their identification.

3. Breakdown by intersectionality.

The chart shows the intersectionality between ethnicity and gender. Regarding ethnicity, we have increased our Black population by +1% since 2022. Based on the chart, you can see that we skew more female identifying across the majority of racial identities. Our Black and White female identifying employees have increased, and we have maintained in all other ethnicities.

4. Gender representation by seniority.

This chart represents the gender breakdown at three levels of seniority in the organization. We have increased our female population at the Executive level by +9% and +3% at the Professional (Lead and below) level since 2022.

5. Race / ethnicity representation by seniority.

This chart shows that we have increased BIPOC representation at the Executive level by +2% since 2022.

6. New hires.

As of January 2023, we have +1% of Latinx new hires since 2022 for race/ethnicity. We have made progress increasing female identifying representation to +6% since 2022.

7. Summary.